Friday, November 19, 2010

You Are What You Eat: How Your Diet Affects Your Skin

       There are so many myths and rumors surrounding how food is related to your skin. Because many people with acne-prone skin also have shiny, oily skin--many people made the seemingly reasonable assumption that rich or greasy foods rendered the skin excessively oily and thus more prone to acne. Using this assumption as a foundation, it seemed logical that the more rich and delicious the food--the more likely it would be to cause a breakout. This led to chocolate becoming a prime suspect as well. 
        These people were ignorant of the coincidental fact that many people crave mood-elevating chocolate when they are under large amounts of stress (which weakens the immune system, and can also cause hormones to produce more oil) or that women may crave it before or during their menstrual period (yet another hormonal imbalance is caused). Through empirical evidence, it is much more likely that the stress or the period are the direct cause of these breakouts-- not the chocolate.

         That said, I'm not saying it's good for your skin (or your body) to load up on all the fried foods, potato chips, and Hershey bars you can get your hands on--I do believe that most things are just fine in moderation--but you can eat your way to glowing skin.

Things to avoid: 
  • Smoking and tobacco use have been linked to premature aging. Nicotine contracts and weakens blood vessels and small capillaries which supply blood to the skin and the rest of the body, causing decreased circulation. This deprives the skin vital oxygen, leaving the skin looking yellow-ish or gray and usually quite dull. 
  • Consumption of large quantities of alcohol overdilates the blood vessels and capillaries. Over time, this causes tiny capillary walls to burst. This can cause a permanant flushed appearance, tiny red veins to appear on the sides of the nose, and red splotches in the whites of the eyes. Alcohol also dehydrates the skin (and the rest of the body) leaving skin looking dull and dry.
  • Smoking and drinking at the same time can be even worse than one on it's own: one causes blood vessels to contract, and the other causes them to dilate, causing them to constantly go from one extreme to the other, and leaving the skin deprived of both oxygen, and water.
  • Caffeine dehydrates the skin and body. Plus most people end up becoming dependent on it--consuming large quantities of coffee or energy drinks which can end up becoming a source of empty calories which show up on your waistline.
  • Avoid eating too many foods high in sugar or cooked at exteremely high temperatures. This results in a process called Glycation which essentially causes the skin to lose its elasticity, sag, wrinkle, and lead to hyperpigmentation. It can also be extremely damaging to the heart, kidneys, and muscles.
  • Those suffering from Rosacea should typically avoid spicy foods and alcohol, as these can offen trigger a flare-up of the condition
  • Don't deprive yourself of fats. It serves very important purposes within the body. Women with extremely low body fat percentages develop hormonal imbalances that cause hyperpigmentation and forms of acne. Fats are essential for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and is also used to create the oil that sits on top of the skin as a means of protection and lubrication, especially around the joints.
Foods to Reach for:

Red Pepper, Strawberries, Oranges, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Collard greens, Grapefruit, Canteloupe, Cabbage, and Tomatoes 
These foods are all high in Vitamin C- a valuable antioxidant--it supports the healing process of the body, and promotes collagen production in the dermal layer of the skin--helping to keep the skin healthy and firm.

Sweet Potatoes, Spinach, Carrots, Butternut Squash, Eggs, Cod Liver Oil, Beef or Lamb Liver
All high in vitamin A--another incredible antioxidant--this vitamin is used in high concentrations in the prescription medication Accutane to treat acne. It helps regulate oil production, and also improves the skin's elasticity and thickness.

Catfish, Herring, Salmon, Oysters, Halibut, Trout, Fortified Milk, Egg Yolks
These foods are high in vitamin D--known as the sunshine vitamin, because the skin can naturally make it on it's own when exposed to sunlight. It helps promote healthy and rapid healing of the skin--it also is important in warding off Osteoporosis--weakening of the bones--which in it's advanced stages can cause drastic changes in the bone structure of your face, and spine. If you have fish allergies or prefer to get vitamin D the old fashioned way, and you have an iPhone try downloading the "Vitamin D Sun Timer" which supposedly "calculates the right amount of sun exposure using real time UV index and user provided skin type" so you can get the ideal amount of exposure to synthesize vitamin D on your own, without getting burned. 

Almonds, Cashews, Lean Meat, Oats, Oysters, Pecans, Poultry, Pumpkin Seeds, Whole Grains, and Milk
These are all high in Zinc--which helps control the production of oil in the skin and controls the hormones responsible for causing acne outbreaks.  It is also reduces inflammation associated with acne and expedites the wound-healing process, diminishing risk of scarring. It also has been said to provide relief from the skin disorders eczema and psoriasis. 

Standout Foods:
  • Mangoes-contains vitamins B2, B3, and B6 which delays skin aging and gives skin an almost instant healthy glow, increased tone, and hydrated cells. Also provides anti-inflammatory benefits, retains moisture, alleviating dryness, and irritation. It also contains Vitamin C, vitamin E, and Vitamin A.
  • Spinach- high in Vitamins A, D, B2 (Riboflavin--which helps repair mucous membranes and body tissues like the skin), B3 (Niacin--helps produce energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates and promotes clear, even skin), B5 (Pantothenic Acid--detoxifies the body and skin), Folate (promotes healthy DNA replication, which is essential for healthy skin cells), C, E, and K
  • Eggs- high in vitamins A, D, and E, as well as Riboflavin, Zinc, and Folic Acid.
  • Red Wine- Red wine contains Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in grape skins. Resveratrol is said to help reduce risks of skin cancer, as well as premature signs of aging in the skin like fine lines. Despite the negative affects alcohol can have on the skin, it may be worth indulging for Resveratrol's benefits--just limit yourself to 1 or 2 glasses of vino, making sure to drink a full glass of water in between.
  • Shiitake Mushrooms- These particular mushrooms are high in Kojic acid- a fungal metabolic product-that has the ability to block the synthesis of melanin-reducing hyperpigmentation. Consuming 1 Cup daily can help even out skin color.
  • Fish Oil- it helps properly lubricate the skin, aids in tissue repair, is known for it's anti-inflammatory benefits--which could be particularly helpful when recovering from a sunburn or acne and rosacea flare-ups.
Some Unfortunate Culprits: 
These foods are not always to blame for problems with skin, but unfortunately some people are more sensitive to their effects than others. If you have tried changing your skin care routine to improve acne, but have been unsuccessful you may want to try limiting or discontinuing your consumption of 
  • Wheat- small bumps resembling acne can be a symptom of wheat intolerances.
  • Dairy Products- because you are consuming products derived from another animal's milk, you end up ingesting that animal's hormones--which can often cause an imbalance of your own, leading to unusual increases in oil production.
Keeping you beautiful (and fresh) one post at a time!
Kate Block

Friday, November 12, 2010

Radiating Beauty through Health

Part of beauty, in my opinion, is fitness. A healthy, strong body is one of the main things that can help a woman look her best.

Now, I'm not perfect to be speaking about this, but I do have experience with a journey toward health. A little more than two years ago, when my now husband proposed to me I had a long way to go. I knew that I needed to lose a significant amount of weight. Not just so I would look fantastic for my wedding day--but because I knew it was paramount for my health. Being overweight (especially as significantly as I was) sets you up for all sorts of terrible illnesses, and when I said "'til death do us part" I wanted to make sure it would actually be awhile. Since then I have lost over 60 pounds, and then unfortunately regained a bit of it upon our move to Texas and my introduction to all the amazing Mexican food...I've been working on getting back to that point, and then I have about another 40 pounds to go. Not many people will argue that a fit woman is a beautiful woman--but being good to your body can help other aspects of beauty too--including your skin.

One of the very important things with getting healthy is hydration. Our bodies are largely made up of water.  Products that promise increased concentration, higher energy, and a boosted metabolism fly off the shelves and are ordered online in the U.S. every day. You may have even recently purchased a product promising such results---but drinking the recommended quantities of water can provide the exact same benefits. Better still, it's free! I find I drink the most water when it's out of a water bottle as opposed to a glass. I'm not really sure why, but I've learned to embrace it. I rarely buy bottled water (if I do, I'm sure to recycle!) but instead I tote around a reusable BPA-free water bottle, so I can wash it and use it again. (BPA is a chemical used in many plastic food and beverage containers that can leach into the food or beverage it contains and is suspected to cause health problems as a result). I personally use a Kor One hydration vessel. It has a pretty great design, fits a large amount of water---has a wide mouth to allow for ice cubes to fit easily, has a hinged lid that you can't lose, and even has a spot for you to store your own motivational messages. I also like that the company gives a percentage of proceeds to water charities. The bottle is big and can be particularly bulky so another neat option is the Vapur rollup water sack. It's a reusable water "sack" instead of a water bottle--because it is completely flexible, it can fold almost completely flat or be rolled up to fit in your purse---but when full can stand completely upright. This is fantastic for traveling since it takes up virtually no space, and even comes with a little carabiner so you can clip it to a back pack or gym bag. Always having water with you is a great way to ensure you'll drink more of it. Also if regular water is unappealing to you, you can try sparkling water. My husband and I love our SodaStream system. You order your own CO2 cartriges and can create your own sparkling water (or even soda) at home. You can also add cucumber, citrus juice, or fresh fruit to your sparkling water to jazz it up further. Because you're making it at home, it eliminates waste generated from buying glass or plastic bottles or aluminum cans of it in the store--even if you recycle them, energy and resources must be used to recycle them--making it at home and reusing the bottle is much more environmentally friendly.

You are what you eat. I also try to eat as many whole and unprocessed foods as possible. When I cook dinner (which is about 85% of the time) I like cooking "clean". Clean Eating is essentially eating as much organic, unprocessed, and whole foods as possible. That said---I do as much as I can without stressing out about it. But my husband and I typically choose fresh fruits and vegetables (opposed to canned or frozen) as well as fresh cuts of meat and fish, and usually organic whole-wheat varieties of pasta.  I often cook recipes found in Clean Eating Magazine which is a fantastic source of some beautiful recipes that we really love to eat and have become dinnertime staples in our family. Also, since a new issue comes out bi-monthly it keeps us from getting in a rut because there are always new recipes to try.

I've also become a pretty big fan of Bethenny Frankel, who rose to fame from her participation in The Real Housewives of New York City. She is also a natural foods chef and author of books Naturally Thin and The Skinnygirl Dish. I have recently read both of her books and the tips and tricks she presents for losing weight and/or staying thin just simply makes sense. Many of them are things that you already know, but she gives you some practical solutions to make actually doing them easier. 

Bethenny also supports eating what she calls "real food" which falls pretty well in line with clean eating principles. She also has some fantastic recipes including some re-made versions of banana bread, and even cupcakes which are phenomenal. She substitutes your normal refined all-purpose flour with oat flour and most refined white sugar with raw sugar. I'm not saying these dessert recipes are good for you, but if you want something rich or sweet these are significantly better than what you may be used to. A healthy, balanced diet ensures that you have all the vitamins and other nutrients your body needs to replicate cells normally, and actually affects your skin in more ways than you may imagine. My post next week will delve into more specifics on that.

Sweat for success. In addition to eating with your health in mind, exercise is also key. That doesn't mean that you have to be stuck in the gym all the time--but finding some activities you really enjoy--playing sports like soccer or tennis, hiking--even if your "hiking" is just around local museums or parks, bike riding, going out dancing, etc. I do tend to go to the gym because I don't have an incredibly active lifestyle, but I try to change up my workouts to keep things interesting. I also really enjoy Yoga. You can go to gyms or yoga studios on the occasion or even buy a membership if it's something you find you really like.

A few of my favorite things to do to keep things interesting, but also affordable:

If you have "on Demand" try going to the "free" section then the "Health & Fitness" Section and select "Exercise TV". These are free to view and are sub-categorized in types of exercise, duration of the video, sometimes the trainer doing the video, or even the muscle groups the video targets. They are typically available for a few weeks at a time--and then they are replaced with new videos. It's a great way to give some of them a try before committing to buying them--or if you're like me, you won't buy any of them---you'll just do it for as long as it's up and then find a new favorite.

If you are lucky enough to live close to a Lululemon Athletica, a high-quality fitness apparel store, they often host free fitness classes using personal trainers and fitness instructors that have gyms or studios in close proximity to the store. I've been making a point to go to many of them lately. The one here in Houston is located in Highland Village and also co-sponsors a run club that meets on Tuesdays at Brian O'Neills pub in Rice Village. If you click on the link there, you'll see the current schedule of free classes---in the month of November it is a series of Pilates Mat classes on Sundays at 11 a.m.. They end up having a lot of yoga classes or classes that incorporate yoga poses in them. Last week they also threw in an additional "Boot Camp" class on a Wednesday. 

In addition to the beauty benefits that come hand-in-hand with a great-looking body, sweating rids the body of toxins, and the rise in your body temperature also helps with circulation. Taking a nice, cool shower helps to bring the body temperature back down, and further improves circulation--which aids in glowing, fresh skin.

Just kick back and relax. Last but not least, you definitely need rest. If you are exercising, resting is especially paramount. Your body must repair and takes the time you sleep to generate new cells all over the body--muscle cells, and even skin cells. Appropriate amounts of sleep are definitely reflected in your appearance. Mainly, it increases your energy making you seem perkier overall (an energetic woman is much more beautiful than one who is dragging her feet all day), but it also prevents things like those terrible bags under the eyes from forming in the first place. 

Get Relief. Really take time to de-stress. In addition to sleep, it's also very helpful to address levels of stress by taking some time for yourself to do something relaxing that you truly enjoy--reading a book, going for a leisurely walk, baking, painting, etc. Stress greatly affects your body and your skin. Increased levels of stress cause your androgen hormones to spike. Androgens are your male hormones responsible for oil and hair production (thanks guys...ugh). When your androgen levels increase, oil production does too. Not only that, but studies have proven when stress levels are up, your immune system is also not as strong. Combining a weakend immune system with increased oil production is an excellent recipe for breakouts.

Keeping you beautiful (and well) one post at a time!

Kate Block

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Regular Post Tomorrow!

I like having a typical time when you can expect to look at my blog and see a post. I had been updating every Thursday---which was interrupted by my vacation to Hawaii, and then last week I procrastinated and updated a few days late. Today is my husbands birthday--which means I have some baking to do! Therefor, I will be making my usual post tomorrow! Sorry if this inconveniences anyone!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Inside My Beauty Bag: My Beauty Picks, and Why I Actually Use Them PART II

Skin Care for Face

I personally have combination skin--I have a tendency to breakout around my forehead (particularly right between the eyebrows like a bullseye!) if I'm not incredibly diligent. Also my cheeks can end up on the dry side if not taken care of properly.

 Cleanser Product Pick: Rhonda Allison Skin Brightening Cleanser
Why I like it: I decided to use this cleanser to help reduce some of the discoloration remaining after previous acne breakouts. When I moved to Houston, the change in climate wreaked havoc on my skin and I was breaking out more than usual. Sometimes it takes awhile for blemishes to heal completely--they often stay pink or even a little brown--a condition known as Post-Inflammatory-Hyperpigmentation (or PIH for short). This cleanser uses Daisy Flower Acid and Kojic Acid which are very gentle natural skin brighteners. Also, this cleanser is the perfect texture---it lathers a little bit when combined with water, does a great job of removing surface oil and makeup, but doesn't leave my skin feeling dry or tight. Now that the discoloration is almost completely gone, I'll probably be switching to the Citrus Gel Cleanser very soon. I typically cleanse 2x a day (morning and night).
 Exfoliant Product Pick: Source Vital Citrus Peel
Why I like it: I prefer using a very gentle exfoliant that uses enzymes. This particular product is massaged onto the skin until it starts drying and forming particles (almost like when you were a kid and you'd rub Elmers glue off your hands...). After it feels like most of it has been massaged off, you can rinse it clean with cool water.  I typically do this 2-3x a week to help keep my skin smooth and clear. This part of my routine is critical to keeping my skin from breaking out.
Acne Treatment Product Pick: Rhonda Allison Blemish Complex
Why I like it: This product contains 5.25% Benzoyl Peroxide but also contains other ingredients that are soothing and hydrating to prevent the skin from becoming red, dry, and irritated. The medicine is powerful and works fast. I sometimes use about half a pump only on my forehead in the morning, and I almost always use a full pump (in a thin layer) on my entire face at night. 
Serum Product Picks:  
Rhonda Allison Therapy E Serum
Why I like it: My skin needs hydration---but not a ton. This works perfectly as a lightweight moisturizer at night. Vitamin E is an incredible antioxidant with proven skin benefits--it helps the skin to repair, soothes, and helps diminish the appearance of scars. It dries with a nice finish--never shiny or tacky. I always use 1 or 2 pumps of this on my face and neck mixed with about 1 pump of Super C Serum at night.
Rhonda Allison Super C Serum
Why I like it: Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant and is essential for use in producing collagen--I mix 1 pump of this with 1 or 2 pumps of the Therapy E Serum for a perfect light night time moisturizer. (If you have dry skin---this will NOT be enough for you. You could use this, but you'd probably want to layer another moisturizer over it)
Moisturizer Product Pick: Rhonda Allison Blushed Wine Gel
Why I like it: I use this light gel moisturizer in the morning. It provides the perfect amount of hydration for my combination skin--it dries with a cooling sensation that helps wake me up in the morning, and a dry finish. Tiny light reflective Mica particles refract light to make skin luminous. Resveratrol is one of the active ingredients in this product, and is touted with impressive anti-aging benefits. 
Lip Care Product Pick: Nivea Kiss of Moisture
Why I like it: This lip product doesn't feel thick and waxy--in fact, it hardly feels like anything at all--which is why my husband prefers I wear this to other lip products--it just feels as if I've just licked my lips and they're naturally moist. I use it at least morning and night.

Concealer Product Pick: MAKE UP FOR EVER Lift Concealer in Pink Beige 1
Why I like it: This concealer has the perfect amount of pink in it to cancel out under-eye darkness. It's texture is also perfect---it provides coverage without looking cakey or chalky--it doesn't end up creasing under my eyes after I've squinted or smiled, it's easy to blend, and even contains Vitamins A and E---fantastic on all fronts!
Foundation Product Pick: Clinique Almost Makeup SPF 15 in Fair
Why I like it: I advocate wearing the least amount of foundation coverage you can get away with. By using something a little bit sheer, makes my skin look more perfect, but still fresh and natural. Honestly, I don't use a foundation brush or makeup sponge--clean fingers work just as well for me. In fact, I feel they sometimes work a little better for foundation because the warmth of your hands helps the product really melt into your skin and look as natural as possible. Also, the SPF of 15 is always a plus in my book.
Powder Product Pick: Your Name Professional Brands Private Label Cosmetics Loose Translucent Powder in 01 Nude
Why I like it: Translucent Powder is the easiest way to set your foundation to keep it in place the entire day--it also gives you a nice matte finish to nix shine. Using loose powder with a big fluffy brush helps prevent makeup from looking to heavy or caked on.
Blush Product Picks:
NARS Cream Blush in Penny Lane
Why I like it: I love cream blushes because I feel they go on looking the most natural--they keep the skin looking flawless. This color is light and fresh and looks great on most skin tones. I use clean fingers to tap it just onto the apples of my cheeks and gently blend it in.
NARS Blush in Orgasm
Why I like it: The name of the shade is almost enough to make you blush on your own--but the color captures perfectly the healthy glow a woman has (or wishes she has) after...vigorous exercise. This peach is perfection for all skin colors---warm, cool, fair, AND ebony.
Highlighter Product Pick: Smashbox Artificial Light Luminizing Lotion in Diffuse
Why I like it: just a touch of this product along the top of the cheek bone (after you've put on your blush) gives skin a fresh, dewy appearance. Be careful not to over-use it, though--you certainly don't want to use it on the entire face because it could look tacky and artificial.
Eyeshadow Primer Product Pick: Your Name Professional Brands Private Label Cosmetics Shadow Magnet in 01 Light
Why I like it: Sometimes eyeshadows look different in the pan than they do on your skin--this product literally draws the shadow to your lid like a magnet--and keeps it in place. Because it is so light, it keeps the color true, so what you see in the pan is what you actually get. It can be tricky to learn to use at first---because of its thick texture, you MUST use only a little, and spread it in a VERY thin layer across the lid, or else your shadows will crease. Also, if you plan on using more than one color, you'll want to spread the lightest color, or even some of your loose powder over the entire lid, to make it easier to blend the colors together.
 Eyebrow Product Pick: Clinique Superfine Liner for Brows in Soft Blonde
Why I like it: This is a soft color that brings just enough definition to my brows. As a rule of thumb, you always want to choose a shade lighter than you think you'll need--use short dashes to fill in sparse areas and perfect the shape of your brows. I love the shape of my brows, but I like accentuating the top of the arch just a touch, and filling in the tails to really frame my eyes.
Eyeshadow Product Pick: Urban Decay Eye Shadow in Sin
Why I like it: Even without using a primer first, Urban Decay eyeshadows are usually very true to their color--they are high quality, easy to blend, and this particular color is incredibly flattering--it's a shimmery neutral that really brings out your eye's own sparkle. For subtle looks, I suggest wearing it on its own on your lower half of your lid only--but you can also blend other neutral colors for a bit more pop, or even blend more vibrant colors or even black for a more dramatic effect. When I'm not sure what I want to do with my eyes, this is the first product choose.
 Eyeliner Product Pick: Estee Lauder Stay in Place Eye Pencil in Graphite
Why I like it: My grandmother and her best friend loved their Estee Lauder. Ever since I was a little girl, my grandma would give me the free gift with purchase she got when she bought her own makeup and skin products--introducing me to the best eyeliner in the world. It goes on smooth, and stays in place, and the dark grey "graphite" shade makes eyes pop like black does, without seeming too severe.
Mascara Product Pick: Christian Dior DiorShow Waterproof Mascara in Black 90
Why I like it: First of all, this mascara withstood all the tears and sweat of my wedding in the Bahamas. It's easy to apply, rarely clumps, and really does seem to lengthen and volumize my lashes. One coat on curled lashes perfectly defines eyes without looking gunky. 

Lip Color Product Picks:
Why I like it: Like the lip balm I recommended earlier, this product hydrates, smooths, and feels totally natural. Plus these particular colors are very flattering--The Peting Pink looks gorgeous and soft, especially when paired with NARS blush in "orgasm", and the Fuschia Fix, although still subtle, has a little more pop and looks great paried with NARS creme blush in "penny lane" or even something with a little more pink or a little bit more plum.
Why I like it: This color is incredibly flattering--it's the perfect shade of opalescent pink with the faintest hint of violet. The texture of the gloss is a little thick and sticky (my husband hates the way it feels and refuses to kiss me when I wear it). Because it is so thick, it's a little longer lasting than some others. I like applying it using a lip brush--and sometimes I will layer it over a lipstick.
Why I like it: A beautiful peachy color that pairs very well with NARS blush in "orgasm" and pulls together a "peaches and cream" complexion. (these peachy colors work incredibly to bring out blue eyes!) The texture is smooth (thicker than the MAC Lip Conditioner, but not as sticky as the NARS Lip Lacquer) and it wears for a few hours.

keeping you beautiful (and sparkling) one post at a time!

Kate Block